The daily routine here begins at 3:30 AM with collective prayer followed by special “Gayatri Mantra chanting & Sun Meditation” and Akhand Deepak (lamp) darshan. Yagna is also performed every morning, which reminds one of the Vedic days in the ashrams of the Rishis . Two meals are offered free of cost here to every visitor and resident.
Morning and afternoons are scheduled for lectures/discourses and practical and field work under different kinds of courses/ training programs. Two special kinds of meditations are also performed – one (the Jyoti Avadharan Sadhana ) in the afternoon and the other ( Nad Yoga Sadhana ) in the evening for 15 minutes each.
Apart from the trainees, Shantikunj is visited by thousands of other people from all walks of society. The spiritually purified and energetic ambience here attracts and impresses everyone who has ever visited this place.
Shantikunj is devoted to cultural,ethical, moral and spiritual awakening and national integration. Development of divinity in mankind is the foremost goal and avowed objective. Pledged for national peace, prosperity, amity, love, goodwill and fraternity irrespective of region, religion, faith, caste, creed, sect etc.,
Shantikunj is a unique abode true to its name. Visitors of all faiths & linkages are glued to the Ashram (Spiritual Center), when they visit and view its peace & fraternal treatment. The courteous ovation and pleasing treatment add glory to the solemn attraction and the visitor wishes to come here again.